

The MLA Action Network was created for you—for the person who cares about humanities education and wants to get involved. Languages, literature, history, philosophy: these fields are critical to understanding our world. They help us connect to other people and other cultures and give us tools to navigate difficult situations.

But humanities fields are under threat. More college classes are being taught by contingent faculty members who make too little for teaching too many students. Funding for key humanities agencies and programs has been targeted for cuts. And college and university humanities departments face closures and mergers.

The MLA believes that everyone can make a difference, and we want you to have the tools you need. The MLA Action Network features news about the latest issues in humanities education, guidelines and data to make effective arguments, and opportunities to act. The site is organized into three sections.

MLA storiesStories

The humanities give us the tools to tell the stories of our lives and to understand the stories of others. They allow us to connect to other people and to make sense of our world. In the Stories section, we highlight that work. From an infographic about how learning a language can shape our brains to a profile of someone helping theatergoers think more deeply about their experiences, this section documents why the humanities matter.

Workforce IssuesWorkforce

Students who study English, philosophy, history, and languages develop skills employers want. Yet the people who teach these skills often face overwhelming workloads and financial hardship. The Workforce section shows the value of a humanities education and advocates for the working conditions needed to keep our educational system strong.

Policy IssuesPolicy

Too often federal and local government undermine humanities education. By proposing cuts to international education programs or chipping away at academic freedom, they fail to invest in the kind of learning that will make our students successful world citizens. In the Policy section, we identify the risks of bad policy and offer alternatives.

About the MLA

The Modern Language Association of America and its 24,000 members in more than 100 countries work to promote the study and teaching of languages and literatures through MLA programs, publications, annual convention, and advocacy work. The MLA provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues, discuss trends in the academy, and advocate humanities education and workplace equity. The MLA sustains a wide-ranging print and electronic publishing program that includes books, journals, style guides, and an international bibliography. Through the Association of Departments of English and the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages, the MLA also supports the work of department chairs and directors of graduate studies. More information on MLA programs is available at www.mla.org/.

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