Is it Possible to be Race-Neutral, but Still Diverse?
A school argues for race-blind admissions, stating that race is irrelevant to “the student body they desire.” Many worry diversity will be compromised.
How is Higher Education Policy Created?
Understanding federal higher ed policy helps universities understand the impact of legislation. This interview explores how such policy is created.
The Aim Higher Act Strives to Make College Affordable
How does the Democrats' proposed bill Aim Higher differ from the Republicans' Prosper Act? For one, free community college.
Visa Restrictions on Chinese Researchers
New visa restrictions for Chinese students stem from fears of intellectual property theft; they have serious implications for academe.
A Cut in Loan Relief for Defrauded Students
The Education Department proposes a stricter loan forgiveness rule; students must prove a college knowingly deceived them.
Judge Dismisses Suit Over Equal Education
Students sue the state, claiming dismal conditions hinder their access to literacy and violate their constitutional right to an equal education.
Two More Schools Drop SAT/ACT Essay Requirement
Princeton and Stanford University join the growing number of schools that are cutting standardized testing requirements.
Eight Private Schools Drop Out of the AP Program
The AP was created to help students prepare for college and finish it early, but some private schools question its effectiveness.
Affirmative Action versus Race-Blind Admission
The Trump Administration plans to revoke guidelines that encouraged colleges to consider applicants' race to achieve student body diversity.
A Joint Education and Labor Department?
Under President Trump’s proposal, the U.S. Department of Education and Labor would be merged. What does this mean for higher education?