Michigan Conservatives Want to Revise State Curricula
Comments about proposed changes to Michigan’s K–12 social studies standards are open through 30 June, prior to a final board vote.
Funding Goes Down, but Tuition Goes Up
In 2017, 22 states reduced the amount spent on students at public colleges. What does this mean for the quality and affordability of public schools?
Free Speech on College Campuses
Are campuses restricting a diversity of opinions by censoring politically unpopular stances? Schools address the topic of free speech.
Performance Funding for California Community Colleges
Critics argue a performance-funding formula will lead to grade inflation, decreased funding, and lower completion rates.
Higher Education Reform is Delayed in the Senate
A Senate stalemate halts the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act until 2019. But what are the alternatives?
California Plans to Expand Language Study
An ambitious initiative to increase second-language proficiency in K–12 schools aims to prepare students for a multilingual global economy.
Decreased Funding for Public Institutions
For the first year more public college revenue came from tuition than government funds. What does this mean for diversity?
Why Free Tuition Isn’t Exactly Free
Studies show that tuition-free systems across the globe don’t necessarily provide free access without strong policy and financial aid.
Addressing Racism Outright on Campus
Students at the UK’s Exeter University demand the school respond to racist incidents before they impact institution's image.
Are Sit-Ins a Movement Across HBCUs?
Students at Howard protest housing conditions and lack of financial aid, encouraging students across colleges to do the same.