Protecting Students from Predatory For-Profits
Attorneys general sue Department of Education for not enforcing rule that protects students from exploitation by for-profit institutions.
Senators Propose Loan Relief for Adjuncts
Proposed legislation recognizes that contingent faculty members should qualify for same loan forgiveness as their full-time colleagues.
Colleges Show Resolve in Wake of Title IX Decision
Despite a shift in federal policy, colleges remain committed to protecting students from sexual assault and advocating for victims.
Reverse the Decline in Language Education
Fewer Americans are studying languages, putting the US behind other countries. The solution: hire more language teachers to close the gap.
Could Mandatory SATs Open College Doors?
If we want more low-income students to attend college, give them easy access to admissions tests—and make them mandatory.
Tucson Ban on Ethnic Studies Goes Back to Court
The Arizona law that took Mexican American Studies—and some classic books—out of Tucson classrooms has been sent to US District Court.
To Be a Better Scientist, Write a Poem
Another reason to support funding for the NEA and NEH: participating in the arts, from music to painting and literature, inspires scientific innovation.