How Relying on Adjuncts Can Harm Academic Outcomes
Research shows that replacing tenured faculty with adjuncts at community colleges could hurt students' future learning outcomes.
We Need Human Rights Scholarship
Worldwide threats to fundamental freedoms show why human rights research is more important than ever, two professors argue.
Career Options Outside Academe
A common misconception is that PhD students have to go into academe. There are, however, many other options. Here’s how and where to look.
PhDs Need Both Research and Teaching Skills
Many believe PhDs must prioritize research over teaching, but a new study shows that teaching can boost research output.
78% of Teachers Uncomfortable with Tech
A new study shows that a majority of teachers are uncomfortable with tech-based teaching practices but want to learn through collaboration.
Lawsuit Challenges Academic Freedom for Professors
Lawyers representing U of Texas argue that “the right to academic freedom, if it exists, belongs to the institution, not the individual professor.”
Transferable Skills are Valued by Employers
Skills developed in humanities majors such as critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and written and oral communication are desired by employers.
Tackling Sexual Harassment in Academe
Harassment and predation is present in all fields of academe. How do we stop it? Enforce a zero tolerance policy, one scholar argues.
“Why Study English?” A New Report Urges Departments to Examine the Major
As the number of students majoring in English continues to decline nationally, colleges and universities are taking stock and looking for ways... Read More
Assistant Professor: What’s the Next Step?
You're no longer an "early career scholar," new to academia. You're an advanced assistant professor. What is expected of you now?