Opportunities for International Education on the Chopping Block
A congressional subcommittee has passed a bill that could eliminate all funding for Fulbright-Hays, a Department of Education program that provides opportunities for students and teachers to develop language skills and area expertise overseas. The bill now goes to the full House Appropriations Committee for consideration.
Fulbright-Hays offers grants to doctoral students conducting research abroad and funds other advanced language programs, curriculum-development efforts, and group research abroad. These programs are successful: as part of a Department of Education study, ninety percent of participants in the Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad program reported that they used the expertise they gained in their careers (“Wins and Losses”).
What can you do? Tell your congressional representatives that you support Fulbright-Hays. Over 150,000 people asked Congress to reject the elimination of the National Endowment for the Humanities and Congress responded (“Interior Subcommittee”). Write or call Congress today to show your support of international education and save Fulbright-Hays!
Works Cited
National Humanities Alliance. “Interior Subcommittee Strongly Rejects Trump’s Efforts to Defund the NEH.” E-mail, 13 July 2017.
———. “Wins and Losses in the Labor-H Draft Bill.” National Humanities Alliance, 18 July 2017, www.nhalliance.org/wins_and_losses_in_the_labor_h_draft_bill.