What Languages Are College Students Studying?
An MLA study from 2013 revealed a shift in student interest from “traditionally studied European languages” to languages like American Sign Language (ASL) and Korean. For the first time since 1958, enrollments in Spanish fell at every institutional level. Even so, Spanish remained the most commonly studied language, followed by French. ASL increased enrollments by... Read More
Proposed Cuts at Stony Brook University Put the Humanities at Risk
In the spring of 2017, Stony Brook University, a public institution and part of the State University of New York system, announced planned cuts to several of its humanities departments. Programs in cultural studies and comparative literature, Hispanic languages and literature, and theater arts are slated for resizing and even dissolution. In response to the... Read More
To Be a Better Scientist, Write a Poem
Another reason to support funding for the NEA and NEH: participating in the arts, from music to painting and literature, inspires scientific innovation.
How the Liberal Arts Help Veterans Thrive
Vassar’s first class of graduating veterans developed big-picture thinking and added new perspectives to campus conversations.